So... I sometimes do this thing where I see people and ask them if I can take their picture. I can't tell you specifically what makes certain people stand out to me; it could be bright coloured hair, freckles or even a sweet smile.
When I bumped into Rufina she was on her way to pick up her kids. Not only was I surprised that she even had kids I was surprised by how young she looked (I thought she was younger than me...I'm 23), I was surprised by how friendly and patient she was with me. Usually when I ask people if I can take their picture It usually goes like this:
Moi : "Hi I know this is weird but could I please take your photo? "
Top responses ?
Stranger 1 : " No."
Stranger 2 : " Ahhh I don't really feel pretty today, I'm sorry "
Stranger 3 : " I'm not photogenic.. like at all"
Alas, Rufina was a sweet moment on a gloomy day, a sweet mama panda (check out her brand : threelittlepandas ) blessing our eyes with the following photos.
Click the insta icon for Rufina's insta.